Above are the first 2 movie posters released for Pirates 4.2 More posters were released today which are found below.Below are the official trailers for the feature film Pirates of the Caribbean on Str ...

Glad to know the earth is still 80 times bigger then the deathstar.Source http://www.carinsurance.org ...

Here is the sucker punch trailer remixed with Disney Princess footage.Kind of works... ...

What if James Franco was Wile E Coyote and he got his hand caught by a boulder.Here this animated mashup shows up how a cartoon character might have solved this dilemma. ...

Imagine all the science fiction in the world laid out as a massive blobby whale like creature with tentacles. This infographic attempts to spawn the connections of each of these various sub-genres.Cl ...

Above is the movie poster for Cat Run.Below is the official movie trailer for Cat Run. ...

What if Sofia Coppola had made Ferris Bueller's Day Off?Here some clever editing gives us that version. ...

JJ Abrahams new epic Spielberg mashup looks like ET meets the Goonies...Could be great... or really overly sentimental ...

So much goes into making a film. Take a look at just the conceptual art that was created for the new Johnny Depp movie, Pirates of the Caribbean 4. These characters are going to be awesome to see on ...